Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Did you ever catch a snowflake?

Dan was just five years old and the snowflakes were huge. We saw it was coming down fast and furiously so we quickly bundled him up and he.ran out back to see the snow coming down. The snowflakes were huge.
It was really nice snow to watch. It came down real fast, making everything white within a matter of minutes.
I have to admit that having Dan over made it so much more enjoyable for me.  I doubt that I would have done more than look up, perhaps watch it through the front window for a few seconds and gone back to watching the TV. Having him around has always been such a bright spot, a source of pleasure.  He's a gem of a boy.

It snowed and snowed but we didn't mind at all that day. Dan played till he got cold and then we had some
hot chocolate and muffins. His parents picked him up after a bit and he told them all about it. He's 7 years old now and he is still catching snowflakes every chance he gets.  

1 comment:

  1. A Paz de Cristo,
    Acessar seu espaço me fez muito bem!
    Louvo a Deus pela sua vida, e pelos artigos postados.


    Deixo uma lembrancinha que fiz, espero que goste do acróstico:

    C ultivar uma vida de oração.
    R evigorar-se pela leitura diária da Palavra.
    E star sempre disposto a obedecer a Deus.
    S er uma testemunha fiel no viver e no falar.
    C onsagrar a Deus seu corpo, tempo e talentos.
    E sperar de Deus a orientação para a vida.
    R evestir-se do poder do Espírito Santo.

    Precisamos CRESCER, na Graça e no conhecimento do nosso Senhor e Salvador Jesus Cristo.

    E o Deus da paz vos santifique em tudo, e o vosso espírito, alma e corpo sejam conservados íntegros e irrepreensíveis na vinda de nosso Senhor Jesus Cristo.
    I Tessalonicenses 5. 23

    A propósito, caso ainda não esteja seguindo o meu blog, deixo o convite:

    Em Cristo,


    P.S. Deixo o convite para também conhecer o blog do irmão J.C. de Araújo.Mensagens atuais, outras polêmicas, porém abençoadoras.


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