Thursday, March 13, 2014

Compass The Study Bible for Navigating Your Life

I was so happy to review this unique version of the Bible from Thomas Nelson Publishers because it is one the best translations that I have come across.  It is written in such a way that makes the book come alive in your hands.  I was excited while reading it because it was much easier to get in to the stories and become a real witness to the actual history that takes place.  This book is packed with easy to understand notes regarding history, culture and theological views on every page.  This is a  must have for someone that has an interest in getting more out of reading the bible.
The introduction to each book is very helpful to the reader as it gives a summery of what to expect. There are in text notes to be read as needed that help make things easier to understand as well.  This is written in a translation called the Voice.  This version is a wonderful narrative form for the bible readers.  The reason I say this is because it is full of rich meaning which draws the reader in and makes one feel as if it's happening in front of  their eyes.
The books are written in a script like dialogue, or perhaps like a play.  I enjoyed this so much because it made everything clearer and easier to visualize. The Scriptures came alive as I read each page.   I do feel that I have a much deeper understanding of what I’m reading with this translation. This is a wonderful way to read the Bible.  There is so much more depth to the Voice and I am  pretty certain that reading this Bible is going to be a spiritual experience for myself and for others as well.  There are also many other terrific things  about this Compass Bible such as, the  365 days through the Bible and another good one is 40 day Retreat with Jesus.  Those are helpful study guides to use alone or with a group.  There are topical guides, to notes and scriptures which I have found to quite helpful. There are study maps and index to in text maps to give more explanation to the reader.

I currently own many different versions of the bible and so I feel qualified to say that this is wonderful. I think teenagers and adults will get so much from this. The cover of this book says  “the Voice- Step into the story of Scriptures” and indeed this book does. 
This is a terrific bible for anyone that is interested in a deeper and passionate understanding of Scripture. The version is called the Voice and it is a awesome Bible for everyone. There is so much to experience  and learn from the bible and this is a perfect way to do so. I wish I would have had this Bible years ago.   I wish they would have added some color to the pages as everything is in black and white but that is the only thing that I would have liked more. The price is reasonable and this would be a great bible for anyone to own.

The study Bible for navigating your life
The voice Step into the Story of Scripture
Published by Thomas Nelson
ISBN 978-1-4016-8030-5

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