Saturday, December 25, 2010

Under the weather and wishing you Happy Holidays!

I have been sick. Sore throat, runny nose and drained. Did nothing today. Couldn't go out or do much of anything. I guess I missed Christmas. I'm feeling sorry for myself, sob.....sob. I'm a new follower to a blog at
They are having a blog hop and I joined in. You can too if you like.

1 comment:

  1. Awww! I certainly hope you're feeling better now. So sorry that you were sick during Christmas.

    I found you through your follow on BlogFrog and have joined you there and here. By the way, I love the comment on your profile, "I own more books than anybody that I have ever known, except for a library." You only say that because you've never visited my home. Hubby and I are both avid readers and are running out of space for all our books. ;)

    I would love to have you come for a visit sometime.

    Liz @ the Brambleberry Cottage


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