Monday, July 5, 2010

Being Wrong:Adventures in the Margin of Error

Written by Kathryn Shultz
They say that to err is human and so why can't we ever admit when we are wrong? A very interesting subject with some extraordinary information about what makes us deny, excuse,  lie, ignore being wrong?

When I first got this book I actually didn't think it was going to be a book that I would enjoy. I guess it may have something to do with the fact that based on the title the book is about being wrong as if it was an adventure. 
This book has totally fascinated me and especially so at all the research that was required in order to write this book.  The amount of work in putting the book together is not lost on me.   My guess would be that this is one of those books that a college professor would assign to his class.   I read it through once, and then reread each chapter at least one more time.  There is no doubt that I have really enjoyed this book,  in fact I have penciled in some notes and highlighted sections,  something I try to avoid doing to my books.  You can always tell which  books on my shelf are the most interesting by the  condition of the pages.  I am pretty impressed with the entire book, references and  authors personal references.   All of which has really made for an interesting study of Being Wrong: Adventures In the Margin of Error.
I'm very pleased to add that this is one more of the books I've read that I will being easily entertained by and probably get more out of each time I go through it in the future.

1 comment:

  1. I'll look for it next time I'm at the library. I don't read too many non fictions like that, but it's always nice to find one to make you think.


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